TDD 란?
출처 - github.com/JaeYeopHan/Interview_Question_for_Beginner/tree/master/Development_common_sense JaeYeopHan/Interview_Question_for_Beginner :boy: :girl: Technical-Interview guidelines written for those who started studying programming. I wish you all the best. :space_invader: - JaeYeopHan/Interview_Question_for_Beginner github.com TDD 란 무엇인가? Test-Driven Development(TDD)는 매우 짧은 개발 사이클의 반복에 의존하는 소..
2021.05.08 -
출처 - github.com/JaeYeopHan/Interview_Question_for_Beginner/tree/master/Development_common_sense#restful-api JaeYeopHan/Interview_Question_for_Beginner :boy: :girl: Technical-Interview guidelines written for those who started studying programming. I wish you all the best. :space_invader: - JaeYeopHan/Interview_Question_for_Beginner github.com 출처 - meetup.toast.com/posts/92 REST API 제대로 알고 사용하기 : ..
2021.05.06 -
객체 지향 프로그래밍이란 무엇인가?
출처 - github.com/JaeYeopHan/Interview_Question_for_Beginner/tree/master/Development_common_sense#object-oriented-programming JaeYeopHan/Interview_Question_for_Beginner :boy: :girl: Technical-Interview guidelines written for those who started studying programming. I wish you all the best. :space_invader: - JaeYeopHan/Interview_Question_for_Beginner github.com 객체 지향 프로그래밍 이전의 프로그래밍 패러다임을 살펴보면, 중심이 ..
2021.05.05 -
좋은 코드란 무엇인가?
출처 - github.com/JaeYeopHan/Interview_Question_for_Beginner/tree/master/Development_common_sense JaeYeopHan/Interview_Question_for_Beginner :boy: :girl: Technical-Interview guidelines written for those who started studying programming. I wish you all the best. :space_invader: - JaeYeopHan/Interview_Question_for_Beginner github.com '좋은 코드'란 녀석은 정체도, 실체도 없이 이 세상에 떠돌고 있다. 모두가 '좋은 코드'의 기준이 조금씩 다르고 각각..